Mon 27 Jan
❤Post gamE mondaY!❤ CeLEBRaTE ur Win Or Mourn Ur LoSS!❤ Perfect CurveS❤ GorGeous CarameL - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc ok)
IRR£§I§TIßL€ ★ ¥OUR # ❶ P€RF€ECT CHOIC€ ★ER0TiC BlOnDe BEAUTy - 22
—————— °°•-:¦:-•°° ———————• LET'S PLAY ! SEXY ! BLONDE ! •—————— °°•-:¦:-•°° ——————— - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc and surrounding areas)
LOOK ===••► ((AVAiLABLE)) •NOW• ((ANYTiME)) ◄••=== Specials !! - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc incall/outcall)
(¯`v´¯) ღ Y Õ U __ D E § R V __ T H __ B § T ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ - - 22
(Oklahoma City, South&North; Okc Area->Out Call's->ONLY)
`·.♠·.¸.·♣´¯`·.¸.♥ ·.¸.·´ ♦ Thoroughbred ♦`·.¸. ♥·.¸.· ♣ `·.¸.♠·.¸ - 33
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding)
*❤ PERFECT ➓ _____ TRUE ____ LaTiNa ___ L❤verS ____ # 1 PiCK _____ ❤* - 20
••• ♥ Roll the Dice! Today is Your Lucky Day ♥ ••••••• Click to see WHY? Specials !! - 20
(Oklahoma City, OKC, (Surrounding Areas))
Sexy & Discreet, I Offer VERY Intimate Private Encounters to True Gentlemen. - 25
(Oklahoma City, SE OKC)
HersheY KISSES ReAdy TO SHOw U A GoOd TIme!!!!!!$$$!! NAsTy Time - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc surrounding)
Incall/outcall New Face! 100%Real...2 Sexcladies - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city, Nw 39th st., ne okc)
======= ======= ===== YoU * NeEd * A * BEAutiFUL * WoMaN * ToO * SpENd* TiME * WitH ===== ====== === - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC And Surrounding Outcall only)
The Perfect *Brunette *Package: ☑ Real ☑ Sexy ☑ Petite ☑ Sweet ! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc & all surrounding areas)
Juicy 18 year old sexy wit a nice butt must see!!!!! - 18
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City off I 40 and meridian)
💸💄💋💰Tantalizing💋 temptation 💋awaits you just a📱call away ✨don't miss out💋💋✨ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc NW expressway)
Se OKC 45 Cougar 405 482-3625 405633-4351 Specials 100 incall 38C Large nipples hot sexy erotic - 45
(Oklahoma City, se okc 1-240 and s i35 south area)
LoOkPLATINUM BLONDE SeXy N FuN! (VeRy PLaYFuL)Special ** - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC/ /Incall Outcall)
♥ ( « G¡RL - NxT- DoOR » ) ♥ ( SuPr SxY! ) ♥ - 24
(Oklahoma City, (SE bY CrOssRoaDs MaLL) InCaLL & OuTCaLL)
(¯`★´¯) I____DO____IT ★ __W_A_Y __ ★ __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`★´¯) - 21
-*- -*- -*- -*- Incredible ~ Gorgeous Brunette ~ NEW to town & Limited Time -*- -*- -*- -*- - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc/surrounding areas,,outcall only)
Fantasy 5-Star Blonde * Erotic FULL BodyRub * Sensual Prostate * Kinky Strap & Toy Play - 39
(Oklahoma City, Downtown OKC * ONE DAY ONLY!)
Smile OKC Sexy Hispanic n White Thick juicy Booty 5'9 182lbs and ready, all PiCs recent 100% me - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc in/out)
◄ .. TALL.. ○ .GORGEOUS ...♥ ... AND ... ♥ .. ATHLETIC ... ♥... - 26
(Oklahoma City, Nw Expressway, In & Out calls)
SeXy 45 yr old ExPeRiAnCeD $100 donation SpEciAls incall se 82 and i35 405-482-4635 - 45
(Oklahoma City, i 35 and Se ,82 --street area)
██★██★ NEW★ ██★██★██★██ ★ GIRL ★ ██★██★██★█★ AVAILABLE ★ █★██★██★██★ NOW ★ █★██★██★ █★██★██ ██ - 24
(Oklahoma City)
*♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - 21
(Oklahoma City, oklahma city)
TOP SECRET,,, TOP KNOTCH,,, 100% *** Blonde, Blued, Body*** - 22
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city, i have no *imits)
See MY WEBSITE, I Live Here - Private House - Blonde White Petite TS Dream - 44
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Private Home)