Mon 27 Jan
**°°* VISITING SeXy and FuN!! *°° PLAY OFF SPECIALS! *°° LIMITED TIME !*°°* - 22
(Downtown OKC (In/Out Avail. 24/7))
★ ——— Up ALL night!——★—— ★ Super Specials ★ —— Brunette Beauty ——★PERFECT 10!! - 22
(Oklahoma City, DoNt MiSs SpEcIaLs....)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] ★ K•!•N•k•Y• ★ EXoT!C• ★ C•u•T•!•E ★ mixed caramel treat - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc/ will travel)
There's a time and place for everything $126/30 min special. $o let me be your everything. - 42
(Oklahoma City, 4056939430 quail springs mall area)
**Today it's ALL about YOU** Let Me Make Your Dreams Come True* *! In/Out Call Specials *! - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
!!! SPECIAL !!! 2 is ALWAYS better than 1 !! Come See For Yourself !!!Special !!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, OKC, (Surrounding Areas))
SHAWNEE outcall only tonight *** Avail 2 the right 1 in Shawnee ONLY;) - 24
(Oklahoma City, *** SHAWNEE Only tonight please;) ***)
. ↔🍒🍒↔ThE DampesT↔ DeLiGhT🌷🌷click me♈call me♈ENJOY ME!!↔🍒 Outcall Specials after 5pm 🔥💨🔥 - 28
(Oklahoma City, Where you need me to be/Love Norman area)
* The Girl Next Door* Your Search has Gone Far Enough!! Call to c what i have to offer u. - 19
(okc/will travel)
STOP! @ Nessa* 100% real & ready♡ ☆°•○●□■ no commercial interruptions - 36
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city and beyond)
★ ☆SWeEt & DiSCrEEt☆ ★【 SPECIALS】★ ★ Sexy exotic n erotic - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc In/Out Calls avl.)
Super Sexy,Sensual & Independent Redhead💋👅 ¤¤Ready & Waiting for You¤¤ In/outcall - 25 - 25
(North Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City)
Sweet & Petite.. Your Favorite Girl, Precious **NEW PICS** $100 b4 9am.. Monday Morning Special!! - 23
(Okc- Close to Yukon)
🍰🍒💋sexy,chocolate, curvy, love handles, its the weekend let's spice it up👅👅💦💦text me😘 - 26
(Oklahoma City, south okc,out call friendly🚗💨💨)
{{{ Reviera... !!!}} }IS Waiting For Some EXCITEMENT **YOUR WAY ONLY!!!! ((( IN/CALL))) Specials!! - 22
(In/Out calls)
_____!(¯`´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw!!____ - 23
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P!!! ___ B_A_B_Y ___ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 28
@:-: Pleasure Is My Specialty :-: Sexy Blonde With Amazing Body and Looks :-: @ - 21
Ready for action Thick, brunette, here yo make all your wishes come true - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc in and out calls)
Reviewed, Verified, Sexy Natalia is here IN OKC for your convienece - 18
(Oklahoma City, OKC in call out call)
__ (*) :¦: ♥ :¦: PLaYFuL :¦: UpScALe -:¦:- -BrUnEttE :¦: ♥ :¦: (*) __ - 24
(Oklahoma City, (AiRpOrT)(MeRiDiAn) InCaLLs & OuTCaLLs!)
**★** P —— L —— E —— A —— S —— U —— R —— E —— ——Z—— O —— N —— E **★** - 24
👍👍One in a MILLION 👀 jaw Dropping Brazillian Beauty💋it's Never too Early or late for Fun - 24
(all over you Mwc yukon Edmond bethany, Oklahoma City)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 28
(OKC METRO in or out)
$pecials! • UnFORgetTAble •-:¦:-• ChOcHoLAte B0tt0m •-:¦:-• NEW •-:¦:-• UnRu$hed •-:¦:-• $pecials!! - 30
(Oklahoma City, OKC & surrounding area In&Out;)
♡♥♡———— Pettit ————— BUSTY & PETITE ————BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL ————— ♥♡☆ In calls only - 28
(Oklahoma City)
♥PiN-UP ReDH*E*A*D IN ToWn ToDaY! ♥ In/OuTCaLL $PeCiAL$ All DaY!! ♥ DoNt MiSS OuT!! - 29
(Oklahoma City, I40 Meridian, Shawnee, Seminole)
New👑In Okc👯€XOTiC ❌XRATED✨🚨 NEW ⇉ M!xed Barbie COME EXPERiENCE 💯 *THE BEST*💋 SouR & Sweet💄😻SP - 18
(Oklahoma City, I40/Meridian)
++ purple kisses all day plus the greastest specials to top them off ++ - 19
(okc and surrounding areas)