Mon 06 Jan
only in okc a few more hours.. NEW $uper $exy cute THICK juicy 38dd 5'6 white/indian - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc in/out i44 may)
OKCs Most 🌺Exotic and 🍾Upscale Provider 😘🔥HOT PICS🔥 ‼️REVIEWED ✅VERIFIED✅ 💳💳CC Accepted - 28
(NW Expressway and May, Oklahoma City)
CoMε GεT IT_____( 🍦ViDεO🍦 ) Tiℳε WiTH ℳε IS PuRε E©STaS¥ ( FuN - WiLD - KiNK¥ )____HiGHL¥ RεViεWεD - 29
Dont rush.... lets take it slow! (((((((( **** MZ.SEVEN **** )))))))) - 19
(oklahoma city/ne wer u r)
All Day Specials~ Come See Why everybody is running to have some fun with some honey - 21
(okc, Oklahoma City)
$60 Specials!!! Long Legged.$60 .Sexy Lil Brunette With Sass and Nice Figure.$60.. Incall Only - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc NW 39 N MAY)
✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️👀 now Beauty awaits U 💞💞Top Pick for Tonight 🌑or 🌔Early ⭐️Morning 80hh🍓🍓 Dripping 💦💦💦 - 24
(Oklahoma City, all over u Norman Moore travel in or out)
New number Won't be here long 5'3 163 46dds hazel eyes Puerto Ricain/Indian 100% real pic - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc in/out i44 may)
***** H ~o~ N ~e~ Y ***** &&&& ***** T ~i~ F ~f~ A ~n~ Y ***** - 20
(Oklahoma City, i 40 & Meridian)
B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L —— >* ——E—x—O—t—i—c—— H—O—T— ——P—L—a—Y —m —a—T—e ——100% *HoT*PIC - 21
(Oklahoma City, SOUTH I-35 IN N OUT)
Im back Big BOOTY pretty face Ericka thick 40dd 5'9 white/hispanic - 22
(Oklahoma City, okc in/out i44 may)
°o ♥ o° ——— xX,xX RaTeD & BaDdEsT — (( ✰ ➓ *P E R F E C T* ➓ ✰ )) — SoUtHeRn As!aN ——— °o ♥ o° - 25
(Oklahoma City, (( ✰ *T O G E T H E R* ✰ )))
☆♡YoUve TrIEd All ThE ReSt°●☆NOW☆ CoMe GeT ThE Best♡☆ - 32
(Oklahoma City, OKC and surrounding areas)
$KayLee$ HoT bUsTyY bLoNdIEe$ New to the area come try my amazing incall specials!! - 21
(Oklahoma City, i240 in may)
B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L —— >* ——E—x—O—t—i—c—— H—O—T— ——P—L—a—Y —m —a—T—e ——100% *HoT*PIC - 21
(Oklahoma City, SOUTH I-35 IN N OUT)
✨§uper sexXy, thick , and ready 4 anything!✨☎: Call for Appt - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc & surrounding areas)
✿ :SUPER-HOT: ✿ :BUSTY : ✿ :BLONDE: ✿ H☼TTIE: ✿ - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC/I44 May/Incalls only)
▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ SEXXY ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ THICK ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ REDHEAD ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ - 29
(Oklahoma City, Norman)
▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ SEXXY ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ SENSUAL ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ REDHEAD ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ - 29
(Oklahoma City, Norman)
OKCs Most 🌺Exotic and 🍾Upscale Provider 😘🔥HOT PICS🔥 ‼️REVIEWED ✅VERIFIED✅ 💳💳CC Accepted - 28
(NW Expressway and May, Oklahoma City)
GeNtLeMaNs FLAWLESS FANTASY! **GoRgeOuS ,Blue - Eyed / Brunette BOMB$HELL !!! InCaLL SPECIALS !! - 26
(Oklahoma City, NW39 th & May/ Outcalls to Mo$t Countie$)
first three callers get two vists for one price ♡♡best bbw in okc ♡♡♡ exsoticly beautiful ♡♡♡ - 26
(Oklahoma City, nw39 may)
ExPeRiEnCe of a LiFeTiMe!!! **NEW***…T H E … BRUNETTE … B E A U T Y … O F… Y O U R …D R E A M S... - 26
(Oklahoma City, N.W 39th & May- all metro okc areaS)
CoMε GεT IT_____( 🍦ViDεO🍦 ) Tiℳε WiTH ℳε IS PuRε E©STaS¥ ( FuN - WiLD - KiNK¥ )____HiGHL¥ RεViεWεD - 29
♥"Cherry" $$80$$ EarlyBird $pecial ★ Incall $pecial Don't Miss Out! ♥ - 27
(Your Place, or Mine, Incall $pecial)
Dont rush.... lets take it slow! (((((((( **** MZ.SEVEN **** )))))))) - 19
(oklahoma city/ne wer u r)
Black Nubian Queen ready to please king[s] only, always open minded to try new thngs ?????? - 25
(In and Out Calls)
100% PRE-SCREENED clients ........... Ladies Need to worry about safety! Escorts read on...
(Oklahoma City)
~*~ 100% Real ~*~ Incall SpeciaLs~*~ OPEN Now!! ~*~ Beautiful & curvy - 25
(Oklahoma City, (I44& may) NW expressway & surrounding)
**FORGET the FAKES... I am The ULTIMATE FaNtAsY GIRL!!!! IN OKC TODAY ONLY ** Always REAL Pics!!!** - 29
(NW ExXxpressway)
Sun 05 Jan
☆♡YoUve TrIEd All ThE ReSt°●☆NOW☆ CoMe GeT ThE Best♡☆ - 32
(Oklahoma City, OKC and surrounding areas)