My Backpage Escort Tips Update #4 - 44

Posted : Thursday, January 02, 2025 11:24 AM | 7 views

After being burned a couple times I decided to share my thoughts and suggestions on using Backpage to find legit escorts. Take it for what its worth. Its just my 2-cents on the subject. Dude Rules: 1. If the posted ad does not show ANY portion of their face in the photo's there is an 80% chance they are fugly. I was stupid enough to answer a couple ads with no face shot what-so-ever and showed up to only find out I had just made a date with a tree stump. I get the fact some of these girls don't want their face plastered all over the net...but there are ways to hide the eye's or blur out details. 2. If you're going to an incall at a Hotel/Motel make sure the door locks when you walk in. 3. If you go to the bathroom take your wallet/pants, and phone with you. 4. Guys...most of these ladies work hard. The least you can do is show up clean and smelling fresh. 5. When you make the call setup the time and place and donation for her TIME that's it! Ask if the photo's in the ad are real and how recent they were taken. 6. When you show up if the photo's don't match the ladies you're standing in front of turn around and leave. It's her damn fault she lied and wasted an hour of her schedule. 7. After you show up and make it through the meet and greet she's going to ask for the donation. Its at this point you need to establish the "quality" of time you will share with her. I've been ripped off before after forking over $250 only to get a 15-minute show with Rosy Palm. 8. If you see "SPECIALS" listed you're not going to get the whole show at that price. It amazes me how short sighted some of these girls can be. If you would offer really good specials and put on the whole show you would be amazed at the repeat business and referrals that would come your way. 9. If you are wondering if the pics are real use tineye^dot^com and post the URL and it will look all over the web. Also google the number and see what it comes up with. If the pics change to different looking girl then it probably not her. (reader contributed) 10. Take full advantage of all your time you have paid for!!!!(reader contributed) 11. Be aware of the upsell.....don't give in just walk away she has as much to lose as you do.(reader contributed+my 2-cents) 12. Don't do ANYTHING without condoms!!!!!(reader contributed) 13. Beware of pimps they may have!!...if it starts to go bad or you get ripped off just walk away before things go real bad. You never know who's next door or standing outside. Chalk it up as a lesson learned.(reader contributed+my 2-cents) 14. Look for 100% me or free!!!!(reader contributed) 15. Establish Girl Friend Experience!!!!! None of us guys are there just to talk Or see them dance naked!!!!!(reader contributed) 16. ONLY take with you the $$$$ for your appt. Will cost Sum ladies are going thru your pockets while showering Or using the bathroom.....SEE RULE #3 (reader contributed) ************** Escort Suggestions: 1. Include REAL and RECENT photo's with some portion of your face. What good does a nice ass shot do when we can't get past the face? 2. Be specific in your incall location such as NWOKC, Bricktown, SEOKC, Airport, etc. All over OKC, In bed or any other cute remark just costs you business. 3. Just like the guys be prepared, freshly showered, dolled up and ready to go. Answering the door in sweat pants, no makeup and smelling like a tuna can is just plain gross and wrong. If you have 5 appointments per day then shower 5x times that day... 4. If you can't make an appointment call/text the guy who had the appointment and let him know your running late, what time your going to be there or if your not going to make it all. stop ignoring his calls/texts, give him the opportunity to call someone else. (reader contributed) ---------- If you would like to contribute to this list please reply to this post. I'll be sure and add them in. ---------- escorts okc,craigslist ponca city ok,escorts in stillwater oklahoma,available for a spanking escort recieving,lawton craigslist personals,escortsintulsa,reno escorts live,rub and tug map,trans escorts dallas tx,okc ts escort
  • Poster's age : 20
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  • City : Oklahoma City
  • Location : OKC